Hotline Number 07910 198 720
By clicking the “Donate” button and then the “Donate with PayPal” button you will then also have the option to pay with any direct debit or credit card.
Badger Trust – Sussex has a Sales Stall run by volunteers and attends a variety of events in the Mid-Sussex area. The largest and busiest event is the East Grinstead Lions May Fair held on Bank Holiday Monday. (See image of the 2022 stall). Current events for 2023 are listed below.
We sell a range of items such as Stationery including a range of whimsical cards, Toys, Tea Towels, Ceramics, hand-blown glass animals manufactured on the Isle of Wight, and Books for Adults and Children.
We are fortunate to have good quality items donated to us occasionally, which helps to increase our profit. If you are aware of any events in the Mid-Sussex area which might be of interest to us we shall be pleased to receive details.
Badger Trust - Sussex - Planned Events - 2023
Event: Spring Social Party
Location : St Wilfrids Centenary Hall, Church Road Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3QH
Date : Thursday 30th March 2023
Time : Doors open 1:00pm to allow time to chat and browse
You are invited to our Spring Party
Come and enjoy Good Conversation - Buffet - Quiz - Raffle - and Exciting Prizes
Visit the Sales Stall and see our range of cards, gifts and many cuddly toys.
If you would like to come, please print, complete and return the section in the PDF file as soon as possible, so that we know how many to cater for.
Bring your friends - the more the merrier - all will be welcome.
Links - Emails & Phone Numbers
Badger Trust – West Sussex (Tina Cooper) 01243 551544
East Kent Badger Group (Martin Newcombe) 01233 720229
East Surrey Badger Protection Society (Ray Ings) 07736 520332 or Emergencies 01883 380321
South Downs Badger Protection Group (Graham Amy) (Area covered from Palace Pier Brighton to Bexhill and inland to Ringmer) 01273 514942
West Kent Badger Group (Sheila Birkin) 07774 129723
West Surrey Badger Group (Dave Williams) 01483 811989
RSPCA 0300 1234 999
Sussex Police (local station numbers are no longer in use) 101
Broadwater Forest Wildlife Hospital (Formerly Folly Wildlife Rescue) 01892 543213
East Sussex Wildlife Rescue Ambulance Service (Trevor Weeks) 07815 078234
Poisons Hotline (Defra) 0800 321600
Badger Trust – Sussex 24-hour Hotline (Jackie Lehane) 07910 198720