Hotline Number 07910 198 720
By clicking the “Donate” button and then the “Donate with PayPal” button you will then also have the option to pay with any direct debit or credit card.
Welcome to Badger Trust - Sussex
Badger Trust – Sussex is organised and run by unpaid volunteers, we cover most of the Mid Sussex area getting involved with everything from Badger rescues to site surveys and local planning issues.
If you are looking at this website for help with a sick or injured Badger,
please use our Hotline number 07910 198 720
Please don’t worry if you are not sure if the Badger's behaviour means it is sick/injured or not or if it is in an area we cover, just call and we will help.
New members are always welcome and we shall be pleased for you to get involved.
You can use the menu above to find out more details on how we help badgers, deal with the threats badgers face and how you can help with our work.